Thursday, February 25, 2010


Since my last post, I've turned in my $300 deposit, which basically just tells Hendrix that I really am serious about this. I've also gotten an email about our first info meeting, which will mostly be about Dr. King's course. Three courses are taught by professors at the university we'll be at, and the fourth will be taught by Dr. King (the fourth class is the only one that changes year to year). So far he's said that he wants to teach a politics course that somehow incorporates British literature; the meeting is to get our feedback. It'll also be my first time to meet most of the people who'll be going with me. If everyone that received the email does actually go, there will be 12 of us total, 3 of whom I already know (Kate, Laura, and Hillary), but not that well. It looks like the guy:girl ratio is 4:8, not that this is of any importance other than for housing (which we'll find out more about later this semester).

My file of stuff to do in London (places to go to, events, and lots of links) has reached 750 words so far. I know I won't be able to do everything, but I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun trying!

1 comment:

Filippo Erik Negroni said...

The new London Cycle Hire scheme will allow you to see even more this Autumn.
By the time you come here, the 'occasional user' scheme should be activated.
And if you need some guidance on how to cycle here, don't hesitate to ask questions on, and of course, my own blog,